Further development eventually led

In this article I will discuss the developments of attribution towards the Marketing Mix Model. I explain what it is, the pros and cons of such an MMM and what steps you need to get started. From single-touch to multi-touch to Marketing Mix Model In 2019 I wrote an article about attribution . In that article I outline a so-called ‘ buyer journey ‘ in which different channels influence the final conversion to customer.

But which of those channels is the most important?

Think of it as the 2019 version of the football team analogy. In that article I list of indian phone numbers fairly simple and relatively stupid attribution models: single-touch & multi-touch attribution models. Just briefly, what are those models again? The simplest form of an attribution model is the single-touch model. This essentially assumes that one channel is responsible for 100% of sales.

Phone Number

An outdated model now

But you have to start somewhere. o multi-touch attribution models. These models take more into account time, different channels and the value of the channel. However, these are often predefined values ​​at a channel and Russian phone number list in the journey. In other words: for example, when someone converts from lead to MQL (marketing qualified lead) through an email, email is assigned 35% of the sales value. While this can also be the result of a sum of other channels. Also read: These are the latest Google updates & products [EMEA 2023] Multitouch attribution is an improvement over single-touch, but still limited and quite rigid.

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