Monthly Archives: April 2024


开一家餐馆——就是这样!你是否已经考虑过这个想法一段时间了?那么你就不应该粗心大意,而应该让自己了解所有重要的事情。在我们的文章中,您将找到开设自己的餐厅的最重要步骤的详细说明。您还将收到我们提供的宝贵的内部提示。 这就是今天等待着你的 开设餐厅的清单 开一家小餐馆我能期望多少利润和销售额? 问题与风险——开餐厅时应注意这一点 接管一家餐厅一个简单的选择吗? 其他提示:用于开设和管理餐厅的工具和模板 拥有自己的餐厅是许多人的梦想,也是创业时一条有吸引力的自营职业之路。然而,开一家餐馆并不总是那么容易,因为通往那里的道路上充满了大大小小的不可预见的障碍。美食不仅是科学,更是艺术和承诺。同时,美食也是一份辛苦的工作。


无论您想开一家餐厅、咖啡馆还是酒吧,都没关系。 开设餐厅的清单 第  步:规划和准备 我适合经营餐馆和个体户吗?在开始具体实施自营职业之前,您应该 手机号码库 考虑以下问题: 我是否满足经营自己的餐厅的所有要求? 我是否足够强大来应对拥有自己的餐厅可能带来的压力? 这些问题对你来说可能有点荒谬,但早期的特点尤其是睡眠不足和工作量大。因此,你一定要听听自己的声音,看看你是否属于这种独立的类型。 想出一个开餐馆的好主意 我们希望为您提供一点帮助来激发您的创造力细胞。因此,我们为您整理了三个特别值得注意的成功且独特的餐厅示例。希望能为您提供一点启发: 晚餐跳跃(慕尼黑) 餐厅的名字听起来可能有点奇怪,但其背后的想法其实很独特。晚餐跳跃的创始人将两种休闲活动与他们的商业理念结合起来。即参观一家美国餐厅和游览美丽的慕尼黑市。



代的美国校车上供应美味佳肴。 海蓝之谜 在这里,我们正在讨论一种非常独特的美食理念,因为是一家迷人的水下餐厅。这里在极其不寻常的氛围中 阿富汗电话号码列表 供应地中海菜肴。周围环绕着一个巨大的水族馆,客人显然是在水下用餐。您还可以惊叹于珊瑚海的生物多样性。 失重(汉堡) 独特且动感十足,这两个词形容了汉堡颇受欢迎的过山车餐厅。在这里,您不是直接向服务员点餐,而是通过触摸屏方便地点餐。然后,订购的食物会通过轨道(包括环)送到餐桌上。适合年轻人和老年人的真实体验。 提示:为您的餐厅起一个完美的名字 现在就为您的餐厅找到一个完美的名字吧!我们的免费且用户友好的生成器可在几秒钟内为您提供多达条合适的建议。只要尝试一下,就能找到适合您餐厅的理想名称。


相反,要享受当下的潜力,认识到即使是短暂的互动也是值得的。 阅读提示 在互动过程中,寻找闲聊可能演变成更深层次关系的迹象。热情(微笑、积极的言语暗示)和兴趣(积极倾听、目光接触)的指标提供了明显的言语和非言语暗示,表明您正在进行积极的互动。找出这些积极的元素,比如给予赞美或提出后续问题,这些因素有助于事后感觉良好。通过有意识地将积极的元素融入到你们的互动中,您可以培养更出色的联系,并为关系的积极发展创造机会。 然而,纳尔逊指出,这对每个人来说可能看起来都不同——而且情况的背景也发挥了作用。


这并不一定意味着他们不感兴趣 他们可能只是匆忙或心烦意乱。 这就是为什么尼尔森强调在学习如何掌握闲聊艺术时在互动过程中衡量感受的重要性。 “那个人是否对我表现出兴趣,让我感觉自 手机号码库 己被看见、被喜欢了?”她说。 “我们都希望在离开时感到愉快,这意味着我们很享受这种互动。我们最终会与谁建立联系的最大预测因素之一是我们在他们面前时的感受。” 让闲聊更有意义的艺术 如果您想超越表面主题,尼尔森可以提供可靠的策略。 “提出开放式问题,并用你的肢体语言表明你对答案感兴趣,”她建议道。



目光接触和肯定的点头。 不确定要问什么?从你们目前拥有的任何共享背景开始。尼尔森建议使用简单的观察或赞美,这为对方创造了分享的机会。例如,当你在邻居的前院走过时,赞美他们的景观并询问他 阿富汗电话号码列表 们的园艺兴趣,为更深入的交谈开辟了途径。当你经过一个在当地公园遛狗的人时,你可以围绕这个共同的背景开始对话——在公园里、养狗等等。 “你可以给人们这条线索,开始拉动,然后从那里开始,它可能会发展,”她指出。 “但我认为我们很多人都很难开始这个话题。” 克服社交场合的害羞 如果你很害羞,你可能很难发起对话。

How can RAG help create more personalized content


One of the most notable benefits of RAG is the speed at which it can generate content. Unlike traditional methods, which can spend hours or even days researching, writing and editing, RAG can produce high-quality content in minutes or even seconds. This means that as a marketer you can respond quickly to changes in the market, new trends and customer questions. In addition, as a marketer you can scale up the production of (quality!) content without adding extra people or resources. This is valuable for projects that require a large amount of content.


Furthermore, RAG makes it possible to personalize content at a level that is difficult to achieve with traditional methods. By us number list data about individual users, RAG can generate content specifically tailored to the needs and interests of the target group, leading to higher engagement. On top of that, RAG makes it easier to maintain a consistent tone and style. This can sometimes be a challenge, especially with larger marketing teams. RAG can be programmed to generate content that meets specific

Phone Number

And now I hear you thinking, but

AI-generated content is never of the same quality as that of a human. True, the quality depends on the input and training the Uruguay phone number list  receives, but RAG certainly has the potential to produce consistently high quality and highly relevant content. This is because it can access extensive databases of information and combine them in ways that produce new, compelling content. So RAG gives you as a marketer a powerful tool to make the way you produce content more efficient, personal and effective.


Generation (ou can say that RAG

Imagine having access to a chef who can prepare dishes using ingredients from the best cuisines in the world, all in seconds. This chef can not only perfect existing recipes, but also create new recipes that perfectly suit your taste. This is similar to what Retrieval-Augmented works in two steps.

Personalized Email Campaigns

  • First, when it receives a question or command, it looks for the most relevant information from a huge database, similar to how a search engine like Google works. It searches for relevant sources that can answer the question or are relevant to the topic.
  • Second, after finding this information, RAG cell phone numbers list an advanced AI model, similar to a highly advanced copywriter, to interpret this information and use it as a basis to generate new text. This could be an answer to a question, article, product description or, for example, a customer service response.

For marketers, this means that RAG provides access to a means to quickly and efficiently produce content that is tailored to specific topics, needs or target groups. It’s a way toile also saving time and resources. It’s like having a personal content chef at your disposal, ready to meet your marketing needs at any time. Enjoy your meal!

Phone Number

What are use cases for RAG?

  • Example: e-commerce company uses RAG to send emails with product recommendations. These are tailored US phone number list each customer’s previous purchases and search behavior, significantly increasing open and click rates.
  • Automatic content creation for blogs
    Example: a travel agency uses RAG to generate informative blog posts about destinations, based on the latest travel trends and data. This increases their number of website visitors and impro.

Shown in a Striking Color

Also Ensure That It is Which Filters Have Been Selected. Is the Product That Your Future Customers Will Love Not Included in the Selection? Then It is Clear That This is a Selection and They Can Easily Click Away From This Filter and Start the Search Again. This Way, They Can Still Leave Your Website With a Satisfied Feeling and a Completed Order. Measuring is Knowing: Can You a/b Test? So Do It In Our Database We See That the Above Tips Often Work Well. If You Cannot a/b Test , Our Advice is: Implement It! Do You Have Enough Traffic to a/b Test? Then It is Always Interesting to a/b Test the Individual Advice. This Way You Can Best See Based on Data What Works for Your Website and to What Extent. This Helps You to Understand Your Target Group Better and Better.

This Ban on the Female Body

Makes Us as a Society a Lot More Prudish. In Addition, It Makes Important Topics That Are Already Taboo Almost Impossible to Talk About. The Influence of Controversial Content on Our Brain If There is One Thing for Sure, It is That Sex Attracts the Attention of Many People. Whether It Really Promotes Sales of a Product Remains to Be Seen. Within Our Brains, Millions of Neurons Start Firing When Sexual Cues Are Picked Up by the Senses.

Phone Number

In Particular the Reward

Areas in the Brain , for Example Within an Advertisement.  Such a Popular Tool in the Advertising World. The Brain is Already in the Starting Blocks. The Neurological Assessment However, Capturing the Attention of Your Audience is Not the Only Venezuela phone number list You Need for a Successful Campaign. Sex Not Only Makes the Lights in Our Brains Flash, It Also Brings With It Many Associations. While These Are Very Pleasant for Some People, There Are Also People Who Experience This as Negative or Offensive. The Neurological Assessment? Sex Only Works if the Product You Want to Sell Also Serves a Direct or Indirect Sexual Function.

Because Moving Elements in the Environment

This Used to Be Important, Could Alert Us to Danger. Even Today, It is an Evolutionary Advantage to Pay Attention to Things That Suddenly Change. Just Think of a Train or Car That Arrives Unexpectedly. You Want to See That So You Can Avoid It. Also Read: the Importance of Filters in Your Webshop [research] This Ensures That Moving Parts of an Online Store Also Attract Attention. This Extra Attention Can Count on More Use of the Filter, More Successful Search Processes and Thus More Purchases. 3. Make Filters ‘sticky’ This Advice is an Extension of the Previous Tip: Make Sure That the Website Filters Are Always in View. More Attention Means a Greater Chance That They Will Be Used.

Unfortunately, We Sometimes

See That Filters Remain at the Top of Long Pages, Causing Them to bulgaria telephone numbers From View. A Simple Way to Solve This is to Make the Filters Sticky So That They Scroll Down. Dissolved! 4. Make It Easy: Place the Most Important Filters at the Top With Any Form of Behavioral Change, the Easier You Make the Desired Behavior, the Greater the Chance That It Will Actually Be Carried Out. Make It as Easy as Possible for Your Store Visitors by Placing the Frequently Used Website Filters at the Top.

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This Increases the Chance

That Visitors Will See Filters That Are Relevant to Them More Quickly, Resulting in More Orders. 5. Provide Clear Vietnam phone number list  When You Are Working on a Task, It is Always Nice to Receive Confirmation That You Are Doing Well. This Also Applies to Your Website Visitors . The Last Tip is to Provide Clear Feedback to Your Website Visitors. Does a Potential Customer Click on a Filter? Then Clearly Show That the New Options Are Being Loaded, but Not Only That.

The dynamics of the team are clear

It is important that you compare apples with apples. Especially if you also use indirect channels, such as TV advertisements, you will have to take this into account in the model. Large amount of data is needed source: Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock Open source or closed source Marketing Mix Model? The big tech guys have different Marketing Mix Models you can use. For example, Meta has a model called Robyn , which is supported with AI/ML. Google also followed suit at the beginning of March with the Meridian model . Both models are open source and use data libraries from their parent companies. The great thing about these models is that they are adaptable to the wishes of the organization and its goals.

Although this is the biggest advantage

Adapting and maintaining it also requires a lot of specialist knowledge from a data nigeria cell phone numbers Not every organization has that knowledge in-house or available. The closed source models from various suppliers are more accessible. These solutions often come with implementation support, specialist knowledge and maintenance. An MMM is far from plug & play , but a solution from a supplier makes it easier to start with an MMM.

Phone Number

In the long term you can see it as

A disadvantage that the knowledge is not built up internally and that there are limitations in terms of adaptability. Who is the best player? Back to the marketing team Ukraine phone number list the introduction. The key question is still: which player is the most important? An MMM gives you insight and helps you formulate a data-driven answer. You are able to map out exactly to what extent email marketing contributes to success, just like SEO. and you have insight into how success is achieved and which players play together. It is valuable and extremely important to take the team to the next level.

For many organizations

What does the optimal use of a channel look like? What is the impact if the investment in marketing decreases (or increases) by 20%? How much influence does a channel have on sales/conversion? What is the best way to divide my budget across different channels? The model also includes non-marketing communications. These are influences such as season, promotions and price. You can say that a Marketing Mix Model gives you a helicopter view of your entire marketing.

It is a rock-solid solution to give you real insights that you can use

A well-designed and powered MMM is able to provide good phone numbers in guatemala of the impact of your marketing. Ideal for scenario planning, building a solid marketing strategy and budgeting. A Marketing Mix Model for every marketing department and CMO? Although an MMM sounds like the holy grail for marketing departments and CMOs, there are important considerations.

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This is how you need data

Lots of data over a longer period. And good quality data. Most Marketing Mix Models, both open Thailand phone number list and closed source, require at least 2 years of good quality data to be able to predict. bringing together consistent data is difficult, especially over a long period of time. Channels such as Google Ads, Meta Ads and TikTok generate a lot of data at a high speed, such as reach, frequency and clicks. There are many data points that need to be formatted for the MMM and from which you need to select the correct, relevant variables.

An MMM helps answer various questions

Especially considering the fact that a journey to the customer increasingly takes place with zero-clicks & dark social . Marketing Mix Model – the next step A Marketing Mix Model is an econometric model, based on multilinear regression, that helps quantify the impact of different marketing communications, channels and non-marketing communications on sales (or other business goals). Simply put: an MMM is a model that gives you a lot of insight into the effectiveness of your marketing. Per channel, per expression, offline and online, winter or summer and despite price changes.

Marketing Mix Model gives

You an overview source: / Shutterstock What data does an MMM use? Almost all MMM asian phone numbers aggregated data. By aggregating data you stay away from individual data. Because of that aggregation, MMM can take into account a wide range of channels and external influences. The following data points are often (and not exclusively) used when building an MMM: Digital media, such as social media and banner advertisements.

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Concrete examples are data on reach

Frequency and clicks; Traditional media, such as television, out-of-home and radio; Business Korean phone number list that can impact conversions. Consider stock levels or staff availability; Market forces, such as the relative price of a product compared to the competition; External factors, such as weather, seasonality or economic conditions (e.g. inflation and consumer confidence). As you can see, an MMM takes into account many factors that influence the business objectives (sales). What does a Marketing Mix Model deliver? An MMM therefore gives you insight into how much each marketing expression and channel contributes to sales and how much investment is required per marketing expression and channel.

Further development eventually led

In this article I will discuss the developments of attribution towards the Marketing Mix Model. I explain what it is, the pros and cons of such an MMM and what steps you need to get started. From single-touch to multi-touch to Marketing Mix Model In 2019 I wrote an article about attribution . In that article I outline a so-called ‘ buyer journey ‘ in which different channels influence the final conversion to customer.

But which of those channels is the most important?

Think of it as the 2019 version of the football team analogy. In that article I list of indian phone numbers fairly simple and relatively stupid attribution models: single-touch & multi-touch attribution models. Just briefly, what are those models again? The simplest form of an attribution model is the single-touch model. This essentially assumes that one channel is responsible for 100% of sales.

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An outdated model now

But you have to start somewhere. o multi-touch attribution models. These models take more into account time, different channels and the value of the channel. However, these are often predefined values ​​at a channel and Russian phone number list in the journey. In other words: for example, when someone converts from lead to MQL (marketing qualified lead) through an email, email is assigned 35% of the sales value. While this can also be the result of a sum of other channels. Also read: These are the latest Google updates & products [EMEA 2023] Multitouch attribution is an improvement over single-touch, but still limited and quite rigid.

When someone asks you

Don’t miss a Content Conference with Odido, Achmea and Zeeman [May 30] 2.4k like bookmark Ruud Buijserd from 2.4k March 26, 2024 at 8:00 am 5 minutes reading Imagine: your marketing approach is a football team. At the peak are the Performance Ads.


At the back center are

SEO & india mobile series campaigns and in the midfield, email marketing, together with social media advertisements, is doing their best to make the marketing team work. And with success. You, as coach of the team, are continuously looking for the right composition of the team. A little more branding or more performance advertisements. Depending on the challenge, you adjust the team.

Phone Number

New on Frankwatching Advertising

Bol: this is how the new sponsored products system works 11:00 How Dove, Aldi, Trivago & other brands use AI in their campaigns 08:00 Helpful content: the backbone of SEO success [case] Mon : which player is the best and the most important? What do you say then? Are you going for rush hour? You can easily link Peru phone number list results to the advertisements. Or more for the defenders; SEO & Branding Campaigns . A difficult question to answer as a coach. After all, it is a team that achieves the desired result through the right teamwork. Fortunately, the marketing world does not stand still and there are more and more ways to gain insights. The use of a Marketing Mix Model is becoming increasingly popular.

夸贝克-西格 在“新工作”条件下管理员工 意味着: 保持开放的沟通

确保信息的最佳访问和流动 分享知识 定义目标、委派并保证良好的反馈文化 但也要为自主工作创造自由,给予创造力空间,表现出尊重,促进自我责任和对每个人能力的了解。虚拟团队还必须首先找到彼此。这意味着愿意学习并乐于接受错误,包括你自己的错误。解决方案是信任而不是控制,这是最大的动力源泉。积极进取的员工组成了一支强大的团队,愿意接受变革,并准备好迎接新的挑战。 数字领先——失去电话听筒 “我相信马,汽车只是一个暂时的现象。 ” 即使在未来的工作世界中,人仍然是核心角色,但对他们的要求越来越高。尽管各种工作模式看起来很混合,但参与者对它们的看法却是矛盾的。虚拟会议、数字文档管理或云工作空间只是使混合工作成为可能的几个数字工具。

对于许多员工主要是年轻员工或精通 IT 的员

来说,与这些问题打交道是很自然的事情。他们拥有适当的数字技能,并发现在家工作效率更高、更能自我决 手机号码库 定并且不会在情绪上疲惫不堪。其他人不仅觉得这很困难,而且不知所措,很容易感到压力和疲惫。几千年来,我们已经学会用所有的感官来感知我们的环境。我们在会议室或咖啡厨房中随意、无意识地感知到的内容需要在虚拟会议中表现出色。如果同事只是以瓷砖的形式可见,并且缺少直接的目光接触,那么人际交流的基本特征就会丧失。只有当所有员工都感到自己参与整个旅程并在虚拟互动中得到考虑时,远程团队合作才能成功。 远程领导力——质疑型领导力 “是你的人类环境决定了气候。 ” 数字化领导力仅仅描述了特定技术条件下的领导力类型。人类的领导力仍然非常重要。



良好的联系需要极高的敏感性。人类是社会性动物,与他人保持距离并不是他们的主要能力之一。除了工作 阿富汗电话号码列表 流程之外,管理者还应关注社交流程,这一点也很重要。团队中是否存在紧张关系,例如因为一些员工在家工作而其他员工必须在现场?有人感到不知所措或孤立吗?因此,数字领导力还意味着创建为非正式和社交互动提供空间的格式。下班后进行轻松、私人交流的团队会议与一对一私人交谈的机会同样重要。创造一种鼓励变革并进一步加强团结感的氛围非常重要。通过评估 40 条陈述,压力因素变得显而易见。该调查经过科学测试,符合德国共同职业安全策略(GDA) 和ISO 标准 10075-3的质量原则。该调查可用作根据 §5 ArSchG 进行心理压力风险评估 (GB Psych) 的 定向程序。